Parents Talking Cr*p Again!
Non-parents will be justifiably forgiven for avoiding conversation about babies with those who have children. Under the circumstances this has to be the most boring topic imaginable, and, non-parents, you have my sympathy! But the problem is, parents love to talk about their children - a fact which does have benefits in social situations. Two parents meeting each other for the first time don’t have to have anything in common – they can just talk about babies! The thing about becoming a new parent is that when you get together with other parents the conversation will inevitably graduate into a discussion about the contents of nappies, potties, toilets and our tried-and-tested tactics and experience of the same. In other words, and not necessarily meaning to, you end up talking about poo. This is a known fact. As a new parent, daily experience with poo is unavoidable. A friend recently told me she’d reached an all-time low of motherhoo...